
Safety Comes First!

While transporting your precious children, safety is our number one top priority at all times.

All our buses have bus aides to assist our drivers, and are equipped with seatbelts, fire extinguishers, first aid kits, emergency doors and child alert alarms. All vehicles are inspected daily and bi-annually by the state. Our safety record is impeccable.

If you have any safety concerns, please contact us at 856-753-1123 or use the form below.

Two Happy Young Boys Wearing Backpacks Give a Thumbs Up on Campus Near a School Bus

Feedback on a Driver

This is a:
If you can provide information to help us identify the offending driver, please fill in above. This could include bus number if you saw it, the location and time of day, etc.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.